[Gambas-user] Blurry text when PDF pages are rendered with gb.poppler and displayed with a DocumentView

Benoît Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Sat Feb 24 13:03:00 CET 2024

Le 24/02/2024 à 11:15, Claus Dietrich a écrit :
> Am 09.02.24 um 14:19 schrieb Claus Dietrich:
>> Am 07.02.24 um 19:34 schrieb Benoît Minisini:
>>> Don't give up: here is your project where the page render is fixed. I 
>>> just didn't fixed the CreateThumbnail() so that you can do it yourself.
>>> Remember that you need the latest master with the poppler fix on page 
>>> width and page height. 
>> Thanks! I will give a comment after Hans reconfirmed my test results 
>> with the master. He will wait for V3.19 from the ppa.
>> Regards
>> Claus
> After the arrival of 3.19 (congratulations!) Hans tested the 
> gb.poppler-version as modified by you and he came to the same result as I:
> The text rendering of the gb.poppler-version cannot compete with 
> gb.pdf-version!
> Actually you only increased the resolution of the PDFDocument in the 
> gb.poppler version to 150dpi but it doesn't reach the quality of the 
> deprecated gb.pdf version in a DocumentView - even at default 
> resolution. The result of the gb.poppler-version even worsens at higher 
> resolutions like 300dpi.
> If you compare both versions (you must look carefully) you will 
> certainly see the difference too. Here a screenshot:
> https://magentacloud.de/s/JNYEA4oejHXADJE
> - Upper = gb.pdf-version @ default resolution
> - Lower = gb.poppler-version @ 150dpi
> Best regards
> Claus

It's because you don't use the same resolution in both projects.

With gb.poppler, the resolution is explicit.

With gb.pdf, the resolution is 72 * the value of the Zoom property.

I will try to add a method in gb.poppler that paint a page on the 
current painter by choosing the good resolution automatically.



Benoît Minisini.

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