[Gambas-user] Grouped control's events are overshadowed by the Group events

Benoît Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Tue Sep 26 20:31:01 CEST 2023

Le 26/09/2023 à 20:23, T Lee Davidson a écrit :
> In a project I have some ValueBoxes that I have grouped so that I can 
> perform the same action on any one of them for the same event. But, I 
> want only one of them to do something different for a different event.
> However, the individual control's event handlers are not triggered when 
> an event handler for the group exists.
> Is this by design, or a bug?
> Small demo project attached.

This is by design. There is no "individual" or "group" event handlers. 
Each object has its own event handlers, all using the same prefix. It's 
just that two different objects can use the same prefix (I named these 
prefix "event names", not a beautiful choice).


Benoît Minisini.

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