[Gambas-user] Shell comand + FFMPEG from gambas how to

Martín mbelmonte at belmotek.net
Sun Oct 22 01:10:08 CEST 2023

El 21/10/23 a las 23:18, Benoît Minisini escribió:
> Moreover, if you don't add the "Wait" keyword, the Shell commands are 
> both run at the same time in the background.
> Have you read the documentation of the "Shell" instruction? 

I want both at the same time tat is the reason that no use Wait instruction.

My fault, I didn't read the documentation of Shell instruction. I read 
it now, but seems to be not possible launch more than one process ffmpeg 

I solve the problem using Exec:

Exec ["ffmpeg", "-f", "pulse", "-i", 
"alsa_output.usb-BLABLABLA.analog-stereo.monitor", "-acodec", 
"libmp3lame", sBase & "_system.mp3"]


Exec ["killall", "ffmpeg"]

Actually I use the Recorder.class, by Claus, with no Shell interaction.

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