[Gambas-user] Edit Actions in IDE

Martin Fischer martin.fischer6 at web.de
Tue Oct 17 20:39:13 CEST 2023

Hi all,

I know that Actions can be edited in the IDE somehow (the gambas buch
suggests this and I found this mentioned elsewhere in the mailing list).
The problem is: I can't find a way to do it...

What I have at the moment:
- I assign action-strings to controls in the control's property sheet
(menubuttons, toolbuttons as children of a mdi toolbar)
- I manage the action's enabled, pic, text, and shortcut property in code.
- a *.action file has been created automatically in the .action dir.
This file is not visible within the IDE.

My question is: how do I edit this action file whithin the gambas IDE?
Where is the secret button?

Martin Fischer

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