[Gambas-user] Question about tooltip: font size and duration of view

roberto.premoli at tiscali.it roberto.premoli at tiscali.it
Mon Oct 9 12:21:33 CEST 2023


LEt say I have the follo label:

label1.text =
label1.tooltip = "This label is a test"

I can manage font size
of label with
label1.font.size += 3

but I wish to increase also the
font in the tooltip but unfortunately does not exist command like the

label1.tooltip.font.size += 3

So i ask: is it possible to
resize the font size of tooltip or ar they a fixed size?

question: i place cursor on label1 and tooltip popup after about 1
second and stay visible for about 13 seconds, then disappear: it is
possible to change the duration, and make it longher?


label1.tooltip.visibletime = 30 ?

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