[Gambas-user] Gambas3 and Cross-Compiler

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 21:09:31 CEST 2023

On 10/2/23 14:14, Jussi Lahtinen wrote:
>     If you *really* want to do cross-compilation, you might want to take a look at Zig (lang) which claims to be a drop-in
>     replacement C (cross-)compiler. It hasn't reached v1.0 yet, but is usable. I compiled a simple "hello world" program for an
>     embedded MIPS 24K SoC by simply specifying the correct target, and it worked flawlessly.
> Different architecture is not the problem. Different operating system is.
> Jussi

Okay. ???

I didn't say the different architecture is the only problem; nor did I say that a different operating system is not the problem. 
I simply related my experience. There is no need to read more into what I said than that.

`zig targets | grep -i windows`

Do you know for a fact that Zig will not target Windows?


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