[Gambas-user] GTK3 not right after a "text/uri-list" file drop.

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 14:25:12 CET 2023

On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 13:04, Bruce Steers <bsteers4 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 at 22:57, Benoît Minisini <
> benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org> wrote:
>> Le 17/11/2023 à 14:17, Bruce Steers a écrit :
>> > I had the following error that produced a sgfault so i tried the report
>> > it option.
>> > This was the error...
>> >
>> > In the form I have a TableView and a TextArea with Drop enabled.
>> >
>> > it is set to find Drag.Formats.Exist("text/uri-list") and put the file
>> > contents in the TextArea
>> >
>> > after dropping a file from the desktop the following happens..
>> >
>> > The TableView headers can no longer be resized.
>> >
>> > If i drag some text from the TextArea on to another part of the
>> textarea
>> > I get this reported segfault.
>> >
>> > It does not segfault and works as expected before the file drop.
>> > problems only appear after file drop.
>> >
>> > This is GTK3 , it does not give same errors with QT5
>> >
>> > then when trying to send the report i the error as shown in the
>> attached
>> > picture
>> >
>> > I also attach the test project.
>> > to produce bug run the program and then drag a text file from the
>> > desktop onto the textarea.
>> > Then try either dragging some textarea text onto another part of the
>> > textarea or try resizing the GridView headers
>> >
>> > Both the above work as expected before the file drop.
>> > This bug could explain another issue i have with one of my programs
>> that
>> > also goes a bit wierd after a file drop.
>> >
>> > Respects
>> > BruceS
>> >
>> The bug should have been fixed by commit
>> https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/commit/9fa3665da496f2334d0b200fa7d830c86015b534
>> .
> Yes thank you Ben 😊
> Still I think gtk DND has a couple of issues though. This crash bug and
> the one I reported on bug tracker about dragging uri-list to other programs.
> Thank you for investigating 😊

awesome, confirmed the latest commit fixes the text/uri-list problem :)

you are a star sir :)

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