[Gambas-user] Issue with Gambas IDE

Linus olivier.cruilles at yahoo.fr
Thu Nov 16 20:03:09 CET 2023


Since less a month I’m facing an issue using Gambas IDE on Fedora 38 Linux distribution.

I’m always using the latest Gambas Dev version compiled manually.

Apparently, after a package update on my Fedora 38, in the Gambas IDE, I lost the completion in the Editor (the panel appears but nothing inside), the Help panel
and the Debug Panel acting as ‘internal’ web browser to run a Web application.

There is absolutely no error message in the IDE, nor in the terminal, or during the compilation of Gambas Dev too.

After many researches/tests, it seems related to the gb.form.htmview that is used to display the HTML text on those panels in the IDE.

I have already opened a bug case in the Bugtracker but Benoit seems to be busy for now.

I’m pretty sure it’s related to my Fedora 38 because I didn’t saw any message in the mailing list of Gambas talking about this issue.

The problem is I’m not able to put in evidence what is not working. Maybe with a little error message I will be able to investigate but there is nothing.

So my question is: does any of you have already saw something like that ?

Thank you in advance


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