[Gambas-user] Mouse X & Y reporting...

sbungay sbungay at smartsonsite.com
Sun Nov 12 16:03:23 CET 2023

   I've been struggling with dragging data from a TreeView to a Text 
Area, and I THINK I've found the source of the frustration.

   Both the TreeView and TextArea have Tracking enabled. So everything 
is OK there.

   The Drag begins and the Mouse.X and Mouse.Y coordinates are given 
relative to where it was in the TreeView when that event fires. Lets say 
the values are, respectively, 21 and 88. Dragging the text from the 
TreeView to the position in the TextArea where it needs to be inserted 
it ALWAYS inserts it in the wrong spot, and the Mouse.X and Mouse.Y 
remain set at 21 and 88, which explains why insertion did not take place 
at the desired location.

  Shouldn't the Mouse.X and Mouse.Y be updated to the coordinates of the 
pointer relative to the control over which the drop occurred?


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