[Gambas-user] IDE properties and auto-inheritance

Benoit Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Mon Mar 27 02:37:09 CEST 2023

Le 25/03/2023 à 16:59, Bruce Steers a écrit :
> Is there a reason i cannot set properties in the IDE with auto-inherited 
> TextLabel?
> Consider the following code named TextLabel.class..
> |
> |
> |' Gambas class file|
> |
> |Export|
> |Public| |Const| |_Properties ||As| |String| |= ||"*,IsHeader"|
> |Property| |IsHeader ||As| |Boolean|
> |Private| |$IsHeader ||As| |Boolean|
> |Private| |Function| |IsHeader_Read() ||As| |Boolean|
> |||Return| |$IsHeader|
> |End|
> |Private| |Sub| |IsHeader_Write(Value ||As| |Boolean||)|
> |||$IsHeader = Value|
> |End|
> |
> |
> after "compile all" i can see the IsHeader value in the IDE properties 
> and I have the option to set it true or false but if i change it it just 
> remains False.
> If I rename the class to TextLabel2.class and use "Inherits TextLabel" 
> then it looks the same in the IDE and i can change the property okay.
> Is it a bug or is it wrong to expect the IDE to use properties from 
> auto-inherited classes?
> Cheers
> BruceS
> |

It should be fixed by commit 


Benoît Minisini.

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