[Gambas-user] chat.openai.com and vbNet

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at Fen-Net.de
Wed Mar 22 08:20:39 CET 2023

I asked	-> Q:

fill an array with the files of a directory with vbNet

This is the answer from chat.openai.com -> A:

To fill an array with the files of a directory using VB.NET, you can
use the Directory.GetFiles method, which returns an array of strings
that contain the file names in the specified directory.

Here's an example code snippet:

Dim directoryPath As String = "C:\Users\Username\Documents"
Dim filesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath)

In this example, the directoryPath variable contains the path of the
directory you want to get the files from. The GetFiles method is called
with the directoryPath parameter and returns an array of strings that
contains the file names.

You can loop through the filesArray to perform operations on each file:

For Each file As String In filesArray
    ' do something with the file

Note that Directory.GetFiles only returns the names of files in the
specified directory, not subdirectories. If you want to get files from
subdirectories as well, you can use the Directory.GetFiles method
overload that takes a search pattern and a SearchOption parameter. For

Dim filesArray As String() = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*.*",

This code will return an array of strings that contains the names of
all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories.

ChatGPT Mar 14 Version

To see the difference Iasked to do the same but in vbNet
As I do not know vbNet syntax (hope that is not rubbish too)

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