[Gambas-user] DataView Help... solved?

Gianluigi gradobag at gradobag.it
Mon Jul 17 18:27:01 CEST 2023

Il 14/07/23 20:02, Benoit Minisini ha scritto:
> Can you try again? It should be better now.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Benoît Minisini.


just to sort things out a bit, I'm attaching the link where I downloaded 
the latest version of the test program:
In addition to the program now doing what I had promised myself, given 
the benevolent criticisms of someone, I wanted to clarify that the test 
eliminates records, which I never do better to have a column (active) 
where it is reported if the record has been eliminated (active = False) 
and then put a filter on opening the connection to display only the 
active records in the DataView, it involves more work but many problems 
are avoided.
Another column that should never be missing is that of the operator who 
updated the table and when he did the operation.

As I said before, Benoit knows more than many of us, so learning to use 
Gambas' tools helps us make fewer mistakes.

I hope the example is correct and helps someone.

Besides Benoit, special thanks go to Lee who is always ready to help.

Many thanks to all participants

Happy holiday


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