[Gambas-user] DataView Help

Benoit Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Wed Jul 12 21:32:40 CEST 2023

Le 12/07/2023 à 21:29, Christof Thalhofer a écrit :
> Am 12.07.23 um 21:14 schrieb Benoit Minisini:
>> As LastInsertId may not be reliable, one have to use the DataView.Find()
>> method to find the index of the last inserted record, knowing the
>> primary keys of that record.
>> Now, following what I just said, I will try to add a method that finds
>> the index of the last inserted record automagically.
> But please take into account that the last inserted record in a table 
> could have been created by another user/connection.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer

No, it's just the DataSource Save() method that will take note of the 
primary keys of the saved record.

That way, if Save() creates a new record, it will be able to find its 
index easily.


Benoît Minisini.

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