[Gambas-user] Possible intrusive change but normally painless

Benoît Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Tue Dec 12 21:36:44 CET 2023


There are some project data that are automatically updated by the IDE : 
project version, project icon, and gitignore file.

When your project is under version control, this is annoying as it 
introduces new changes as soon as you open a project without modifying 
it, and may prevent you from switching from branch to branch without 
manually reverting that automatic changes.

Here is what I done in the last commits:

- Project version is now stored in its own little hidden file, 
unexpectedly named ".version".

- The old version stored in the ".project" file is kept for 
backward-compatibility, but is not updated anymore.

- As soon as you close a project, or change the current branch, the 
".version", ".icon.png" and ".gitignore" files are automatically 
reverted if they were modified.

Normally that change should be painless. Otherwise tell me, before all 
Gambas projects broke everywhere. :-)


Benoît Minisini.

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