[Gambas-user] Gambas on Alpine

james at lixce.com james at lixce.com
Wed Dec 6 00:51:21 CET 2023

Thank you for the replies and suggestions.

Lee: Busybox does not bother me as most of the Gnu-Utils I use are covered or can be handled in Gambas code.  AntiX is a little too political for my purpose and I ran Puppy years ago, I think there was even a Pup that used Gambas for many desktop functions.  Might have to look for that.  The BusyBox command is "adduser"

BruceS:  The desktop I'm using is my own called LiXCE completely written in Gambas and using JWM window manager but I hope to get rid of JWM soon. I have converted all my webkit stuff over to webengine so that was not a problem.  

All of my systems are currently running Artix, except an OctoPi, I have been an Arch user for many years. Artix does not use SystemD. I'm not militantly anti-SystemD it just uses more memory and automates too many things for my taste. Artix and Arch are rolling releases and I find myself spending too much time maintaining the system instead of working on my Desktop which is now into its 6th year of verrrry slow development.

On A Side Note:  I am going to SCALE 21x in Los Angeles March 14-17 If anyone makes it there I'll buy you a beer. 

Thanks All,

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