[Gambas-user] gb.Args component, FOR EACH...NEXT not working

BB adamnt42 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 23:56:16 CEST 2023

On 3/8/23 7:11 am, Demosthenes Koptsis wrote:
> Also
> ./Project140.gambas -a -b -c 'some extra'
> not working
Ah yes, my send finger was too quick. What that did was use 'some extra' 
as the value of the -c option. Sorry.

try ./Project140.gambas 'some extra'

I'm trying to find some bash documentation that explains the difference 
between Arguments and Options, but most of the stuff on the internet is 
garbage, only demonstrating that the authors don't understand it and 
probably contribute greatly to why this concept is not understood by 
many. Have you read (all) of the gb.args wiki stuff? Even though it too 
gets the terms mixed up occasionally, it does somewhat illustrate the 

Somewhere in the gnu pages I read about this a long time ago, maybe 10+ 
years. It sort of went (AFAICR)

The command issued consists of the command name and optional 
*parameters*. Parameters are either *arguments* or *options*. Options, 
which may have an associated *value*, are names prefixed with a *"-"*.

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