[Gambas-user] Fehler

gian bagoneo at libero.it
Sun Sep 18 00:24:17 CEST 2022

Il 16/09/22 16:28, Hans Lehmann ha scritto:
> Hello,
> the DataView control - and therefore also DataBrowser - contains a gross 
> error in my opinion.
> This is how the error can be triggered:
> * The property DataBrowser1.View.Sorted is set to True.
> * A selected field is sorted. The sort order is freely selectable.
> If you change the field value for the field 'Flowername' for the first 
> time (!) for example from 'Ranunkel' to 'Manunkel' and save the changed 
> record, the changed value will be displayed correctly in the Databrowser.
> If you change the field value for the field `Flowername` a second time 
> (!) for example from `Selaginella` to `Telaginella` and save the changed 
> record again, then two identical records will be displayed in the 
> databrowser:
> With best regards
> Hans
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

Hi Hans,

in this example I can't replicate what you wrote, can you?




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