[Gambas-user] How to survey?

Martín Belmonte mbelmonte at belmotek.net
Sun Nov 20 23:42:54 CET 2022

El 20/11/22 a las 17:38, T Lee Davidson escribió:
> Your survey says, "Please use the linux terminal command: jmtpfs -l"
> There is no such command available on my system, and, according to the 
> package manager, no such command provided by any package. 
OK, I did some research on the subject.
It turns out that the *jmtp* program is not available on some distributions.

Here is the result:

|          |  JMTPFS | SIMPLE-MTPFS| MTPFS |


| ARCH     |   NO    |     NO      |  YES  |

| UBUNTU   |   YES   |     NO      |  NO   |

| FEDORA   |   YES   |     YES     |  NO   |

| OPENSUSE |   NO    |     YES     |  NO   |

| DEBIAN   |   YES   |     NO      |  NO   |

If you have *OpenSuse* please try the *simple-mtpfs* program and if you 
can send the output of the program detailing the operating system and 
the program used.

I will try on manjaro (*arch*) and see what happens with the *mtpfs* 

The code that reads the output is the following (for now).

Does anyone have something done using the libmtp library directly ?

I have redone from scratch the interfaces and this is what it will look 
like. but nothing works yet, I will upload it shortly when it works.


Best regards.

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