[Gambas-user] CDate Documentation

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at deganius.de
Wed Nov 16 13:14:59 CET 2022

Am 15.11.22 um 10:27 schrieb BB:

> I thought that we had all agreed that the *point in time*was a numerical
> (float) representation of the parameters converted to a UTC based
> equivalent. Or is it arbitrary?

No. It is not converted to UTC or local time in any way.

The datatype 'Date' in Gambas is a point in time, aka just a number.
It's for example 2022.11.16 13:10:00 stored as floating point.

There's no additional information at all. So there is no further
information about a timezone or whether it is UTC.

Your program must decide whether it considers it being UTC or any local
time. I think that's pretty simple and ingenious, by the way.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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