[Gambas-user] CDate Documentation

Benoit Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Sun Nov 13 22:05:34 CET 2022

Le 13/11/2022 à 21:02, Jussi Lahtinen a écrit :
>     You both don't get it.
>     When transforming a string into a date, there is no such "no
>     conversion"
>     thing. You must guess an implicit timezone. Exactly with a string,
>     where
>     you have to guess an implicit charset.
> No, Benoit you don't get it. The assumed time zone does not matter,
> when the conversion is left to the user. It can be anything I want.

Please explain how you convert a string representation of a date with no 
explicit timezone into a date timestamp, without an implicit timezone.

I'm curious!

Benoît Minisini.

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