[Gambas-user] Automatic Startup

Martin mbelmonte at belmotek.net
Sun Nov 6 21:20:35 CET 2022

ok, I found the error
You have to change the line 56 of MMain.module [1]

It happens that when installing the package the installer copies the 
gambas executable in the system directory, this makes that the 
executable "mpDDclock" is registered, so when you create the .desktop 
that you will use to open the clock automatically, this .desktop has to 
point to "mpDDclock" that is what the system knows and not to 
"/home/mpDDDclock.gambas" that the system doesn't know.

'sApplicationPath = User.Home &/ "." & Application.Name &/ 
Application.Name & ".gambas"

sApplicationPath = "mpDDclock"


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