[Gambas-user] Gambas Version swapper (WIP)

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Mon May 30 18:40:33 CEST 2022

I got this program that now seems to work..
It's called GambasVersionSwapper

Here's the Readme....


 By Bruce Steers


A utility for swapping different versions of Gambas3.

It simply copies or moves the gambas3 files in /usr/bin , /usr/lib/gambas3
and /usr/share/gambas3 to a directory in
$HOME/.config/GambasVersionSwapper/ and then can restore them.

It can also backup/restore the files in $HOME/.local.share/gambas3 that
contain help files and examples/downloaded software from the farm, but this
folder can be very large so it is an option.

It can also backup/restore the files in $HOME/.config/gambas3 that are the
gambas settings for both the IDE and any programs using the Settings.class,
this is also an otion not selected by default.

## How to use...

Load the program...

### Step 1:
Press "Save current config" or "Store current config" to make a backup of
the current gambas3 installation.

The difference between "Save" and "Store" is "Save" just copies the files
and leaves your installed
gambas3 files where they are, but "Store" moves them (they are removed from
their location for a
cleaner install)

Step 2:
After Saving/Storing the installation quit the program, uninstall gambas3
then install a different gambas3 version.

Step 3:
Repeat Step 1 to backup the new version

A list is populated with the available saved versions and you can now
switch between them by either double clicking one in the list or pressing
the "Load Version" button.


This program is primarily designed for people who compile gambas from
source using [the autotools method](http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/install).\
If you have gambas installed with your package manager from either your OS
repositories or via the gambas PPA (apt,dnf,pacman,etc) it may work but
could cause issues with the installed version not matching the version the
package manager thinks is installed so i would not recommend using it.

Files always saved/restored are...
* /usr/bin/gb*3
* /usr/bin/gambas\*
* /usr/lib/gambas3/\*
* /usr/share/gambas3/\*

Files not saved/restored by default but can be enabled in the options
* $HOME/.config/gambas3/\*  (gambas settings files)
* $HOME/.local/share/gambas3/\*  (wiki help, examples, software installed
from farm, this folder can be very large)


Any suggestions to improve are welcome,
or if it's a terrible idea then why?

I can now switch from dev to stable in a couple of seconds without
it does what is described above copying the main gambas stuff (have i
missed anything?)

will probably make my own copy routine and stop using shell "cp" (and rm)

Was thinking of making it rename old folders in the same location and not
copy to $HOME and delete them?

It is VERY beta.
i've attached an archive, if gmail blocks it i'll reply with another but
it's also on gitlab...
git clone https://gitlab.com/bsteers4/gambasversionswapper.git

Wishing Well
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