[Gambas-user] IDE hungs trying to display Class elements after pressing . <dot>

Benoit Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Tue May 17 14:56:47 CEST 2022

Le 12/05/2022 à 13:28, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
> Le 12/05/2022 à 12:09, bb a écrit :
>> On Fri, 2022-05-06 at 16:25 -0300, martin p cristia wrote:
>> *< some stuff
>> This may or may not be relevant, but I occassionally get the IDE
>> hanging when I have the global search panel open and start typeing
>> something in the code editor that makes the completion thingo start.
>> The search panel seems to be overly zealous in trying to update itself?
>> b
> I confirm, I have sometimes the same problem.

Last commit 
should fix the problem.

For information, when you create a background task in a GUI program, the 
background task must not do any GUI thing, because it can lead to an 
internal deadlock in the GUI toolkit, freezing the application.

This is what the IDE search task did unexpectedly by reading the Text 
property of a TextEditor control, that sometimes can trigger events when 
highlighting the text before returning it.

I'm not 100% sure this is the correct analysis, so please report if you 
encounter a freeze again.


Benoît Minisini

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