[Gambas-user] Release of Gambas 3.17.0

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 15:44:22 CET 2022


Gambas 3.17.0 is finally released, after a last-minute bug has been fixed.

This is a huge release again, with more than 1,200 changes, 
optimizations and bug fixes.

The main features of this release are:

- A new lightweight HTML viewer component, gb.form.htmlview, based on 
the litehtml library.

- Namespace support for exported symbols.

- Support for static variables local to a function.

- The IDE now can debug a process that run on another computer through ssh.

- The debugger now can stop each time the value of an expression changes.

- The profiler can now profile the code of the components loaded by the 

- Serialization now does not duplicate objects anymore, and so deal with 
any complex object structures even with circular dependencies.

- Shr, Shl, Asr, Asl, Lsl, Lsr, Rol and Ror can now be used as operators.

- Text highlighting has been redesigned to support different color names 
by file types.

- Support for right-to-left language in GUI controls has been enhanced.

- The new gb.gtk3.opengl component bring the GLArea OpenGL control to 
the GTK+3 component.

- The gb.web.gui component has been enhanced with a tree control, 
keyboard events, global shortcuts and better focus management.

See the Release Notes for all the details:

Download it at:

The stable Ubuntu PPA will be updated soon.

Enjoy it!

Benoît Minisini

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