[Gambas-user] ToggleButton issue

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 11:36:55 CET 2022

Le 19/02/2022 à 10:53, Charlie Ogier a écrit :
> The idea is to have a collection of ToggleButtons that I can Enable or 
> Disable with a single Action command.
> Here is an example of this working with both Buttons and ToggleButtons
> My question is why when you click a single ToggleButton all the other 
> Togglebuttons Values change. This does not happen with Buttons.

All controls having the same Action property are supposed to trigger the 
same action, and so their value is automatically synchronized as much as 

A Button does not actually have a value. Setting its value property to 
TRUE is just for triggering its Click event. The value of that property 
is always FALSE.

You usually set the same action to a menu entry and a tool button in a 
toolbar that must do the same thing, sharing their Visible, Enabled, 
Value... properties.


Benoît Minisini

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