[Gambas-user] how to place code into events of an array of buttons?

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 18:41:31 CET 2022

On Tue, 1 Feb 2022 at 15:57, <roberto.premoli at tiscali.it> wrote:

> Usually i create object one by one using graphila placemen of object,
> but now i need a lot of buttons, label, ecc in my aplication,
> so i create them "in code" to have an array of them.
> here ad example with only 5 buttons:
> Private btns[5] As Button
> Private matrice_testo[5] As String
> Public Sub Form_Open()
> Dim larghezza As Integer
> Dim altezza As Integer
> Dim larghezza_tasto As Integer
> Dim altezza_tasto As Integer
> Dim n, m As Integer
> Dim offset_verticale As Integer
> larghezza = fmain.Width
> altezza = fmain.height
> larghezza_tasto = larghezza / 10
> altezza_tasto = altezza / 12
> offset_verticale = altezza / 2
> For n = 0 To 4
>   btns[n] = New Button(FMain) As "btns"
> Next
> matrice_testo[0] = "A"
> matrice_testo[1] = "B"
> matrice_testo[2] = "C"
> matrice_testo[3] = "D"
> matrice_testo[4] = "E"
> For n = 0 To 4 'prima riga'
>   btns[n].text = matrice_testo[n]
>   btns[n].Left = larghezza_tasto * n
>   btns[n].Top = offset_verticale
>   btns[n].Height = 50
>   btns[n].width = larghezza_tasto
>   btns[n].Show
> Next
> end
> the code place the buttons as I want  but now i don't know how to place
> code inside the "click", doubleclick", "got focus" ecc and other events of
> the buttons. Can someone tell me how?
> many thanks.
> Roberto

Here's how i would do it....
no need to create a btns[] array you can access the details of the button
in the Click handler using Last
no need to set X,Y, width, height  if you place buttons in a HBox or other
arranged panel


FMain.Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical

Dim btns as Button ' note. not a global variable

Dim hb As HBox
hb = New HBox(FMain)  ' This makes a horizontal box, any buttons
placed inside will be arranged horizontally so no need to set their
X,Y positions or size

hb.Height = 50 ' HBox width will be automatically expanded in a
vertically arranged container.

hb.Spacing = True

Dim aNames as String[] = ["A","B","C","D","E"]

For n = 0 To aNames.Max

  btns = New Button(hb) As "btns"  ' add buttons to HBox
  btns.Text = aNames[n]
  btns.Name = aNames[n]

  btns.AutoResize = True  ' maybe use .Expand = True if you want all
buttons to stretch



Public Sub btns_Click()

  Print Last.Name;; "was clicked"


Alternatively set an Action key (string), you can then control what happens
in the Actions_Activate event....

Public Sub Form_Open()

Dim btns as Button ' note. not a global variable

Dim hb As HBox
hb = New HBox(FMain)  ' This makes a horizontal box, any buttons
placed inside will be arranged horizontally so no need to set their
X,Y positions or size

hb.Height = 50 ' HBox width will be automatically expanded in a
vertically arranged container.

hb.Spacing = True

Dim aNames as String[] = ["A","B","C","D","E"]

For n = 0 To aNames.Max

  btns = New Button(hb) As "btns"  ' add buttons to HBox
  btns.Text = aNames[n]
  btns.Action = aNames[n]

  btns.AutoResize = True  ' maybe use .Expand = True if you want all
buttons to stretch



Public Sub Actions_Activate(Name As String) As Boolean

Select Name

  Case "A"
  ' do A stuff

  Case "B"
  ' Do B stuff

End Select


Hope that helps.

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