[Gambas-user] weird line in console

BB adamnt42 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 05:00:41 CET 2022

On 4/11/22 8:44 pm, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> Le 04/11/2022 à 08:26, BB a écrit :
>> QXcbClipboard: Unable to receive an event from the clipboard manager 
>> in a reasonable time
>> This appears on a random basis after closing a running project from 
>> within the IDE. I really don't understand why, when I am not using 
>> the clipboard in any way?
>> Has anyone seen this? Any clues?
>> b
> I have already seen that, but rarely.
> As soon as you use Qt, GTK+, Chromium, or any other heavy beast, you 
> usually many ugly warning messages on the console.
> Regards,
Well it turns out that this is a bug that has been around for at least 
three years now. The sad thing is that no-one seems to know what causes 
it. It has been blamed on ClipMan, other xfce4 utilities, xfce4 itself 
and even things in other desktops. I did see something that might 
explain why it happens, apparently QT5 waits for up to 10 seconds when 
exiting in case it is in the middle of receiving something from "some" 
clipboard, even if you are not using the clipboard. Apparently that wait 
is due to the possibility that the length of the clipboard item is 
gigantic and is in the middle of being transferred.

Anyway, it's nothing in Gambas at all. Just another annoyance for people 
who rely on clean output from their projects. 🙁



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