[Gambas-user] IDE Does Not execute App if a copy of the app is open on the computer from another source.

Gianluigi bagonergi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 23:39:12 CEST 2022

> Yea it is random if you run it inside bash shell it fails if you run it as
> native app inside the emulated terminal:
> mate-terminal -x TestQuit.gambas &
> It turns out that it only happens when using mate-terminal or
> xfce4-terminal
> None of the other emulators cause the issue.
> Even more detail .......
> It only happens if both the standalone execution and IDE execution both
> use the same emulator  that being the  mate-terminal or xfce4-terminal
> emulator.
> This is new discovery of course since mate-terminal and xfce4-terminal did
> not work correctly as emulators in the IDE. And in the past the IDE
> defaulted to something else.
> Oh Well.....

But you mean by calling the terminal in that way: Shell
System.Find("mate-terminal") & "gbr3 ..." ? (no -x)
Ctrl+C stops program

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