[Gambas-user] Signal and quit issue

Brian G brian at westwoodsvcs.com
Tue Apr 19 19:07:57 CEST 2022

Here is the program, it does strange things if you run it in the ide 

Build the executable 
Run it in bash 
do a ctrl-c which does a quit, you will see that quit never returns and you can resize, and hit ctrl-c as often as you like 
it will not quit, seems to hang. 

Maybe you just can not do that from there... 

if you run it a few times in the IDE it will do a segfault 11... but it all seems pretty random 

Maybe I am doing something wrong, it is generally like the app I had causing the issue. 
Maybe my coding is causing the issue. 

"Failure is the key to success; 
each mistake teaches us something" .. Morihei Ueshiba 
Brian G 

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