[Gambas-user] Garbled Title-Tag in the Mediaplayer Class

Dimitris Anogiatis dosida at gmail.com
Tue May 25 23:54:28 CEST 2021

Try starting your gambas program from a terminal like this:

LANG=el_GR.UTF-8 ./mygambasprogram.gambas

Where mygambasprogram.gambas is the filename of your GAMBAS program's

See if that fixes the Greek character issues. If it does, then it's an
issue with the locales not with Mediaplayer

On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 12:58 PM Claus Dietrich <claus.dietrich at freenet.de>

> Hi
> I wrote an Internet-Radio app using the Mediaplayer class. I used the
> Tag-event to catch the media-Tags. This works fine for German or English
> IP-Radio-Stations, but with Asian or Greek radio stations I get garbled
> "title"-tags while the bitrates remain readable. Is there a special text
> encoding for title-tags or does the tag not support UTF8? In case of a
> missing UTF8-support - can this be added and should I launch a feature
> request in the bugtracker?
> Best regards
> Claus
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
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