[Gambas-user] Farm malfunction

Charlie Ogier charlie at cogier.com
Wed Mar 3 21:19:35 CET 2021

Hi Benoît,

I am the manager for this site and we are looking in to this. We are 
taking down this feature until the situation can be clarified. It seems 
strange that we have had this connection for a long time without issue, 
however I do not wish to cause any inconvenience.

I will update you further when I have established what is causing this.


Charlie Ogier

OK, I know now: it's the 'https://gambas.one/gambasfarm' farm search 
page that browses the farm server and send him almost 100 requests by 
second. Alas the farm server has not enough memory to handle that, and 
then the infamous oom-killer wakes up and starts to shoot processes 
until it kills the database server.
> Well, who is the manager of that website?

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