[Gambas-user] Howto tweak Apache for Gambas

Safiur Rahman isafiur at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 09:50:56 CEST 2021


To run gambas gb.web.gui in Ubuntu 20.04 with apache2 server is very
easy. You need to:
1) Repackage your package so that the executable goes to /usr/lib/cgi-bin
(I extract package created by gambas IDE and then transfer executable
in /usr/bin to /usr/lib/cgi-bin and then repackage with command $ dpkg
-b <folder path>

2) Install Apachae2 server
$ sudo apt install apache2
$ sudo a2enmod cgid
$ systemctl restart apache2

3) To allow Cross domain request in apache2:
$ sudo a2enmod headers
$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Change to look as

<Directory /var/www/>
	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
	AllowOverride None
	Require all granted
	Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Direct your client browser to http://<ip>/cgi-bin/<app Name>

Safiur Rahman

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