[Gambas-user] Crash with latest version

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at deganius.de
Fri Feb 26 01:46:53 CET 2021

Am 26.02.21 um 01:12 schrieb Jussi Lahtinen:

>     https://gitlab.com/christhal/gambastestercmd
>     Are you familiar with Git/Gitlab?
> Of course, Gambas is in Gitlab.

Ok, cool.

>     If you download it you can run the tests with 'F4'
>     (you need the newest Gambas2).
> 3.

Oh, i need some beer to clear up my mind. ;-)

>     First I ...
> A lot of work!

Not so much, only three or four hours until now but I think enough that
you can see the benefits of gb.test.

I think it would be very cool if we bring the GambasTestercmd into the
language so that later it can be run automatically with 'make test'
together with other tests.

> Some of the code doing apparently nothing useful are meant to be
> canaries. At least some of them might not be very well crafted.

I think I translated everything I found until line 792 into gb.test.

What I do not understand. please look at AlotOfSlowExecs(), this piece
of code:

>         sTest = ""
>         hProcess = Exec ["echo", "test"] For Input As "Process"
>         hProcess.Wait
>         'Wait 0.1
>         If sTest <> "test" & "\r" & gb.NewLine Then
>             Debug sTest
>             Errors.Add(System.Backtrace[0])
>         Endif

sTest is allways "" and this does nothing. Why does it do
'Errors.Add(System.Backtrace[0])' in every loop?

Or did I do sth wrong while copying it?

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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