[Gambas-user] gbs script version
Brian G
brian at westwoodsvcs.com
Tue Feb 16 21:56:47 CET 2021
Follows is an example of what a script may look like
#!/usr/bin/env -S gbs3 -c
Fast Unsafe
#ProjectOptions title="westwood.testlib1",type=Program,version="1.0.5"
#ProjectOptions vendor=westwood
include "TestScripterInclude" ,"TestScripterBadMain"
#include "TestScripterLoop","TestScripterInclude"
public sDog as string = "Bark Bark"
private sCat as string = "Meow Meow"
public struct MyDog
cat as string
puppy as integer
end struct
use "gb.eval.highlight" ,"westwood.testmakecomp:"
class testlibclass
Fast Unsafe
Public Struct frog
croak as string
hop as integer
end struct
public a as string
Public b as string
end class
public sub main()
dim a as new testlibclass
dim ca as new test2
dim b as new MyDog
b.cat = "This stuff"
a.a = "this"
Print "Output ***********************************"
print a.a;;b.cat
Print "Total=";ca.GetTotal()
public sub foxtrot()
print "FoxTrot to tango"
Thank You
Brian G
From: "Brian" <brian at westwoodsvcs.com>
To: "Gambas mailing list" <user at lists.gambas-basic.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 12:01:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] gbs script version
I had the same issue some time ago
Tuesday, 16 February 2021, 00:00PM -08:00 from Brian G [ mailto:brian at westwoodsvcs.com | brian at westwoodsvcs.com ] :
I have added a preprocess to set the version number
Tuesday, 16 February 2021, 10:19AM -08:00 from Bruce Steers [ mailto:bsteers4 at gmail.com | bsteers4 at gmail.com ] :
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 at 17:52, Benoît Minisini < [ mailto:g4mba5 at gmail.com | g4mba5 at gmail.com ] > wrote:
Le 16/02/2021 à 18:40, Bruce Steers a écrit :
> I've submitted a merge request for a simple change to gb.args to fix
> this if it's okay with you.
> It sets $bVersionChecked to true if user has used Args.Has() to
> check -V and stops --help printing built in version message if so.
> I can think of other reasons overriding gb.args version for DIY could be
> useful..
> Eg.
> *If Args.Has("V", "version" , "Display version and state") Then*
> * Print Application.Version & Iif($bAppIsBetaStage, " (Beta)", " (Stable)")
> *
> *Endif*
> Other things i thought were if Application.Version was read/write that
> would fix the gbs versioning as could be set at script start
> Wishing well
> BruceS
To be logical, you should check the override of "-h" too. Someone may
want to display its own help instead of the default one.
yes i did consider that , I was not sure if you would accept the modification but if you think it's okay i have re-submitted with both help and version override.
Thank you
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