[Gambas-user] gbs script version

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 18:51:34 CET 2021

Le 16/02/2021 à 18:40, Bruce Steers a écrit :
>     I've submitted a merge request for a simple change to gb.args to fix
>     this if it's okay with you.
>     It sets  $bVersionChecked to true if user has used Args.Has() to
>     check -V and stops --help printing built in version message if so.
> I can think of other reasons overriding gb.args version for DIY could be 
> useful..
> Eg.
> *If Args.Has("V", "version" , "Display version and state") Then*
> * Print Application.Version & Iif($bAppIsBetaStage, " (Beta)", " (Stable)")
> *
> *Endif*
> Other things i thought were if Application.Version was read/write that 
> would fix the gbs versioning as could be set at script start
> Wishing well
> BruceS

To be logical, you should check the override of "-h" too. Someone may 
want to display its own help instead of the default one.


Benoît Minisini

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