[Gambas-user] About class and components

Olivier Coquet ocoquet at 3d-phenomen.fr
Tue Feb 2 10:45:55 CET 2021



Public cmp_comp As Component = Component.Load("component name")


CLASS *Classe_in_component*


Public MyClass as *Classe_in_component*

"Et voila".

This can be usable to make component as a plugin loadable at runtime, 
because, The components present on the system are readable and loadable.

You just have to use a little bit of rigor in the naming of the classes. 
For example:

Component: *mycomponent*
Class: *mycomponent_cls*

This way, we are sure to know the class contained by the component.


Olivier Coquet

Le 02/02/2021 à 10:22, Olivier Coquet a écrit :
> Another question about the components.
> How to access the class of a component loaded with:
> Component.Load("component name")
> ???
> friendship
> Olivier Coquet
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
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