[Gambas-user] Best way converting dates into strings forth and back

Jussi Lahtinen jussi.lahtinen at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 21:36:51 CET 2021

> Again, you are confusing date/time (which are absolute) with their
> string representation (which are not).

Consider this. If I store date 10.12.2021 22:27 in UTC right now (winter),
I will get: 12/10/2021 20:27 UTC.
If I store *the same* date in UTC in *summer*, I will get: 12/10/2021 19:27

So, if I look at this date in local time in summer or in winter I will see
two different times.

The second case.
If I assume all dates are always local time. Then everything is again
ruined if the program is running during the timezone change.

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