[Gambas-user] Bugtracker and gb.Chart

james at lixce.com james at lixce.com
Wed Dec 1 06:54:22 CET 2021

I could not seem to get logged into the bugtracker, tried to re-register but still no joy.

While working on my spread-sheet program I ran into a problem with gb.chart:
Selecting any of the Bars based charts results in a "Not an Object" error.

I made the following modifications to gb.Chart MTools.module to get Bar charts working.

'' Draw.Font.Height is a property not a function

285 Draw.Font.Height() -> Draw.Font.Height     
286 Draw.Font.Height() -> Draw.Font.Height  
288 Draw.Font.Height() -> Draw.Font.Height 
289 Draw.Font.Height() -> Draw.Font.Height 

'' Draw.Font.Width function does not exist
'' I believe we are dealing with RichText at this point
'' however Draw.Font.TextWidth returns the same 
'' measurement as Draw.Font.RichTextWidth in this 
'' situation and is likely lighter and a more direct replacement.

' f is a String, I think it is the Chart Title, didn't confirm.

314 Draw.Font.Width(f) / 2 -> Draw.Font.TextWidth(f) / 2

I'm using Qt5 and did not try any of this with Qt4 or Gnome 

BTW, if you open the gb.chart component in the IDE it has a fantastic demo program that shows all of the options and how to use them.  I discovered it after several days of trial and error on my own.  I'll see if I can get into the Wiki to add a bit of the missing info.



P.S. Very happy Benoit is feeling better!

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