[Gambas-user] ODBC component fixing

d4t4full at gmail.com d4t4full at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 22:48:10 CEST 2021


Trying as hard as I can.
I may have found a problem already, but no solution yet.

There's a place where a SQLFetchScroll() is used instead of SQLFetch(), but replacing it made the component fail differently.

The difference, obviously, is because the use of MDBTools. It does not support cursors, so no record counting.

I'll compare the ODBC calls in my isql-like app against the ones used in Gambas. Maybe something is missing or should not be there.

Maybe a week or so if I'm lucky.


On Apr 4, 2021, 10:16, at 10:16, "Benoît Minisini" <g4mba5 at gmail.com> wrote:
>This is mainly a question for zxMarce:
>I am currently writing the upcoming 3.16 changelog. When do you think 
>that the ODBC component can be fixed, to know if I can put it in the 
>3.16.0 release.
>Thanks for your answer!
>Benoît Minisini
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