[Gambas-user] Control.Grab (gb.qt4) - The old way?

Bruce adamnt42 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 21:25:57 CEST 2020

On 6/9/20 4:49 am, Bruce wrote:
> Like the fine help says, back in the olden days Control.Grab used to 
> take a scrren shot of the control but that's gone away. Fine. But 
> weirdly enough I now find that I want to get an image or picture of a 
> control (or wondow) but primarily a specific control.
> So, is there a way to so that now?
> Failing that, would anyone have the code of how it was done in Gambas2 
> or any ideas of how it could be done?
> tia
> bruce

Woops, I should have said: Also the control concerned may not be 
actually visible at the time!


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