[Gambas-user] gb.test IDE integration

Bruce adamnt42 at gmail.com
Thu May 14 15:12:21 CEST 2020

On 14/5/20 10:08 pm, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Le 14/05/2020 à 14:31, Christof Thalhofer a écrit :
>> Am 14.05.20 um 12:29 schrieb Benoît Minisini:

> Why did you create a new settings file for that? The test suites are 
> part of the project, they should be stored in the project configuration 
> file, '.project'.

For the first time I have to strongly disagree with you. Anything that 
has to do with an optional development activity should be kept outside 
the .project file which is included in the real executable.
While .project is used in the ide it also has importance in the final 
project. The importance and focus of the .project file would better be 
confined to that role alone. We have over the years used many extra 
metadata files external to .project, some for development purposes and 
some used at the runtime. I am confused as to why you would want this 
(excuse the following, I can't think of a better word) "pollution" in 
the .project file.

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