[Gambas-user] Article about Gambas

roberto.premoli at tiscali.it roberto.premoli at tiscali.it
Tue Dec 15 16:37:11 CET 2020

Il 15.12.2020 16:20 Christof Thalhofer ha scritto:

> Hallo Rolf,
> Am 15.12.20 um 13:31 schrieb Rolf-Werner Eilert:
>> In the last (not current) German computer magazine "ct" they had an
>> article about Gambas. It is not very long, just a two-column summary 
>> of
>> its highlights, but alas...
> Kannst du ihn mir privat senden? In der c't ist er hinter der Paywall
> ... und ich habe Heise Plus extra nicht abonniert.
>> Everything very positive, and they even mention JIT, the archiver 
>> and
>> the scripter version. There is a bit criticism about the 
>> documentation:
>> the article closes with the words "However, the poor Gambas
>> documentation in the form of a wiki urgently needs to be extended 
>> and
>> updated".
> For me a clear sign that they have only scratched the surface. They
> could also have asked in the German Gambas forum for support but they
> didn't.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer
> -- Dies ist keine Signatur

Authors of articles for magazines are poorly payed: it is not a 
surprise if they don't goo deeper into an argoument
I wrote several articles for italian magaziene,  then the start to 
decrese the money for articles. My alternative was to decrease the 
quality or resign: i resigned.
now i am back to write for anothe magazine that pay me better.
dont complay authors, complain magazienes.

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