[Gambas-user] Closing a Message!

Tony Morehen tmorehen at ajm-software.com
Thu Dec 10 17:11:59 CET 2020

Bruce, I thought about editing the wiki but decided that it would be 
better to wait until Benoit decided what approach to take.

One thing to consider:  if you want people to increase their 
contributions to Gambas, perhaps it would be better to take a less 
condescending tone in your emails.

On 2020-12-10 10:50 a.m., Bruce Steers wrote:
> Most of us here can update the wiki.
> I've added loads of info for things i've found.
> Never expected anyone else to do it for me.
> Come on team..
> every little helps :)
> Less talk more walk ;)
> On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 at 15:27, Tony Morehen <tmorehen at ajm-software.com 
> <mailto:tmorehen at ajm-software.com>> wrote:
>     Please don't.  Existing behaviour conforms to standard practice
>     for Linux.  I do however suggest updating the documentation for
>     message box to make this behavior explicit, ie, add a note to the
>     effect:
>         Closing the message box window using the window close button
>         will perform the cancel action:  the message box will close
>         and return the index of the last button.
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