[Gambas-user] gitlab-ci / archlinux poppler-splash error, and Fedora inclusion

Tony Morehen tmorehen at ajm-software.com
Fri Dec 4 13:39:38 CET 2020

Poppler has various page render function that render to cairo surfaces 
or ps files:

*poppler_page_render ()*

void                poppler_page_render (PopplerPage *page,
                                                          cairo_t *cairo);

Render the page to the given cairo context. This function is for 
rendering a page that will be displayed. If you want to render a page 
that will be printed use poppler_page_render_for_printing() instead

page :    the page to render from
cairo :    cairo context to render to

*poppler_page_render_for_printing ()*

void                poppler_page_render_for_printing (PopplerPage *page,
                                                          cairo_t *cairo);

Render the page to the given cairo context for printing.

page :    the page to render from
cairo :    cairo context to render to

*poppler_page_render_for_printing_with_options ()**
void                poppler_page_render_for_printing_with_options
(PopplerPage *page,
                                                          cairo_t *cairo,
PopplerPrintFlags options);

Render the page to the given cairo context for printing with the 
specified options

page :    the page to render from
cairo :    cairo context to render to
options :    print options

*poppler_page_render_to_ps ()**
void                poppler_page_render_to_ps (PopplerPage *page,
PopplerPSFile *ps_file);

Render the page on a postscript file

page :    a PopplerPage
ps_file :    the PopplerPSFile to render to poppler_page_render_selection ()

void                poppler_page_render_selection (PopplerPage *page,
                                                          cairo_t *cairo,
PopplerRectangle *selection,
PopplerRectangle *old_selection,
PopplerSelectionStyle style,
PopplerColor *glyph_color,
PopplerColor *background_color);

Render the selection specified by selection for page to the given cairo 
context. The selection will be rendered, using glyph_color for the 
glyphs and background_color for the selection background.

If non-NULL, old_selection specifies the selection that is already 
rendered to cairo, in which case this function will (some day) only 
render the changed part of the selection.

page :    the PopplerPage for which to render selection
cairo :    cairo context to render to
selection :    start and end point of selection as a rectangle
old_selection :    previous selection
style :    a PopplerSelectionStyle
glyph_color :    color to use for drawing glyphs
background_color :    color to use for the selection background

On 2020-12-04 6:25 a.m., Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Le 04/12/2020 à 11:43, Laurent Carlier a écrit :
>> Le jeudi 3 décembre 2020, 21:42:33 CET Benoît Minisini a écrit :
>>> Le 03/12/2020 à 20:51, Bruce Steers a écrit :
>>>> |Greetings.
>>>> |
>>>> |gitlab runner is failing on archlinuxs with..
>>>> *|Unable to met pkg-config requirement: poppler-splash|*
>>>> |i tried adding poppler-qt5 and poppler to the list but still 
>>>> failing.|
>>> It worked before. ArchLinux is a rolling release, so things usually
>>> break unexpectedly.
>>> Regards,
>> https://github.com/jwilk/pdf2djvu/issues/144
> It's a problem, as apparently there is no way in poppler to draw a PDF 
> page without using their private Splash interface. I will try with the 
> poppler-cpp frontend. Maybe this is now the required way?
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