[Gambas-user] web-component

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 13:29:02 CEST 2019

Le 24/09/2019 à 09:03, Rolf-Werner Eilert a écrit :
> Ah vielen Dank, Christof!
> I'll give that a try after the next backup.
> Yes, I just had the same idea, setting up a complete website with it. 
> There is one basic question: On my first try, I made a new webform, but 
> it is always shown as a separate window on top of the webform1.
> What if I want to competely change the look of a page, e. g. from "blog" 
> to "contact form" to "single article"? Is there a way to say "clear 
> webform1 and use webform2 as main page"?

The default scheme supposed by 'gb.web.form' is one main page with many 
embedded windows or dialogs.

But you can change the main page by setting the WebForm.Startup property 
with then name of the startup webform.

So you define the startup form of your application from the IDE as the 
official project startup class. And if you want to change the current 
form, you set the WebForm.Startup property in your code.

But as I said before, 'gb.web.form' is more for mimic standard GUI 
applications than PHP websites with many distinct pages.


Benoît Minisini

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