[Gambas-user] Distributed version control with Git in the IDE

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at deganius.de
Mon Oct 28 10:11:02 CET 2019

Am 28.10.19 um 09:11 schrieb Hans Lehmann:

> The main problem remains: I can't find any documentation to use the
> version control in the Gambas IDE effectively. Is there no documentation
> for the hand of the Gambas user? Do you send the Gambas user on the path
> of 'trial and error' again?

Before one can use the Git commands pull, push, commit, merge, etc.
there must be a basic understanding of the Git concept at all which
includes things like:

local repository
working dir
staging area
remote repository

And at the moment, when this basic understanding is present, the buttons
in the IDE explain themselves.

So in my opinion there is no need for a explicit documentation in Gambas.

A quite good explanation of Git in German you can find here:

And yes, you will first have some trial and error until the fog clears.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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