[Gambas-user] Gambas as Snap or Flatpack package?

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 02:17:38 CET 2019

Le 12/01/2019 à 01:18, Sebastián Kulesz a écrit :
> Well, I just tested the latest version with this snapcraft file and it 
> worked, I was able to launch the IDE.
> It seems that very little work is needed to finish the package :)
> Regards

Cool, but there is something I don't get at the moment:

For me, a snap is a program executable bundled with all its dependencies 
in a big package.

When you run it, snap creates a sort of file sandbox so that the program 
see its libraries without having to installing anything system-wide.

It's ok for a classic program that open a file, modify it, and save it.

But the Gambas IDE run the project it's edit by calling external 
programs : the compiler, the interpreter, and so on.

In which environment is a project run by the Gambas IDE snap executed?

Benoît Minisini

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