[Gambas-user] A fine afternoon for a good rant

Cedron Dawg cedron at exede.net
Thu Feb 28 18:51:31 CET 2019

I'm reaching frustration levels here.  This is a rant.

I wrote a nice little video game in Gambas that employs a GamePad or Joystick.  Good enought that I wanted to share it.  Not just for the playability, but to provide a starter program for others who may want to write their own video game, but don't know how to start.

First problem:  Gambas doesn't have Joystick/GamePad support built in.

Okay, I can do that in C with a shared library.  Gambas support for shared libraries is simple and easy.

Second problem:  How do you distribute a shared library along with your project?

Thorny issues like 32 bit vs 64 bit, special compilation instructions for the end user if just source is distributed, etc.  Better to build a Gambas native component.

Third problem:  How do you do that?

RTFM.  (Read the *fine* manual)  Tried, somewhat incomplete.  

Two ways:  C or Gambas

Okay, to do it in C properly requires a large investment in getting a development environment set up.  (Economics term: "Barrier to Entry)

Fourth problem: My shared library is based on the legacy joystick model, it needs to be updated to the current model (evdev).

Okay, do a bunch of research, recode, and test the in a console app.  Works great.  Upload for someone to adapt to the Gambas environment.

The sound of *fine* crickets.

Obviously nobody is interested or cares enough to do the work.  Tobias is kind enough to convert his existing code and upload it to GitHub.

Fifth problem:  It is also based on the legacy model.

Okay, use Tobias' code as a template and incorporate the evdec GamePad code the best I can.  I know it is close, but not completely correct.

Sixth problem:  Tobias' code uses a GB.Watch to follow the file descriptor so Gambas can call when input is ready.  Evdev doesn't work that way, it reads the FD and makes an internal queue.  Therefore, my component has to be called polling style from the main event loop.  How do you do that?

GB.Hook doesn't seem to have the right call.

GB.Post looks close, but it seems to be a one time deal.

Okay, step back a minute.  Maybe it would be better to develop a Gambas component, and call libevdev from there.  First thing to do is to figure out how to make a component in Gambas.  Great, there is a doc page for that:  "How To Program Components In Gambas"   Just what I need.  Create the project, check.  Test the stubby little component from within its project.  Check.  Oh no, the documentation turns to special "Control" implementation details.  Good if I need that, but I am not trying to make a control.

Okay, time to package this sucker up and install it so I can test it from another Gambas project, as if I were a different user.  No point in not trying.  Use the Project/Make/Installation Package menu options, go through the screens, produce a *.tar.gz.  Hey, that was easy, there it is.

Okay, time to install it.  Look on the internet for how to install tar.gz's.  Normally I use Package Manager to do everything, so this is new to me.


tar -xzf archive-name.tar.gz
cd archive-name
sudo make install

The first two steps I can do easier through the File Manger window, but I did it both ways.  

Seventh problem:  There's no ./configure file.

At this point I am going to take a break.  All I wanted to do was share a neat little demo program I wrote.  I am not knowledgeable enough to become a major contributor to the project itself, yet.  I do like Gambas a lot.  It is an incredible piece of work.  I have been doing a lot of work in Python, which I consider to be a dialect of BASIC.  It has some neat features of its own.  Much of the popularity of Python as to do with its MatplotLib and Numpy/Scipy libraries.  Gambas is lacking those or you would have a large client base ready to convert simply because of the ability to quickly and easily develop GUI apps in Linux.

Having GamePad support would also gain you a large base of newbie programmers wanting to learn how to program video games.  If you can program a game, a busines app is a piece of cake.  Game programming is more fun.

Final word:

Benoit, buy a GamePad.  It is as much a toy as BASIC is a toy language.  You'll see what I mean.

I'm going for a walk.

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