[Gambas-user] Grmbl. I like Google ...

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at deganius.de
Fri Feb 8 08:29:04 CET 2019

Am 08.02.19 um 00:19 schrieb Christof Thalhofer:

> I don't know if it was a hickup of Googles "KI" Bash-scripts or if we
> have a problem now.

I meant "AI" Bash-scripts for "Artificial Intelligence". It was a joke.
In Germany currently there is a hype about "Künstliche Intelligenz" aka
KI (which is AI).

Here no politicians speech can be without "KI", but they really don't
know what that is. I think, they think, traffic light switching is "KI".


Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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