[Gambas-user] Paint.DrawRichText and Paint.RichText

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Thu Dec 19 10:11:56 CET 2019

Am 18.12.19 um 11:19 schrieb Gianluigi:
> Il giorno mer 18 dic 2019 alle ore 09:50 Rolf-Werner Eilert 
> <rwe-sse at osnanet.de <mailto:rwe-sse at osnanet.de>> ha scritto:
>     When printing text, ...
>     Second of all, how do I define bold, underline, italics in a RichText -
>     by HTML tags?
> In Gambas ...app/examples, there is Printing, an example created by 
> Benoit himself.
> Yes you have to use HTML tags
> Regards
> Gianluigi

Hm, can't find it, neither where you said nor in the farm. But I do 
remember it, I looked at it some years ago, and I guess there will be no 
answer to my question.

What I miss is a property or a function that gives me the end 
coordinates of the path when the text was finished. Using X and Y only 
yields the start coordinates. DrawText or DrawRichText will paint the 
text starting with X and Y, but afterwards the program has no control 
about where the text in fact ends.

It could make life a lot easier to have these coordinates, because you 
could then simply add the next paragraph or decide to start the next page.

If there is no way how to find out, I would have the do the job myself, 
leaving DrawRichText aside. It would mean to build my own function.


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